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Strong customer identification for all credit purchases

A new law on the Swedish market to strongly identify customers when offering credit payments online expected to become final in January 2023. The reason is to limit fraudulent behavior when using credits in online shopping.

Read more on the Swedish Government website

What is required​

When a consumer purchases online the consumer must be strongly identified using two-factor authentication.

Primary solution​

Walley see that the best option going forward is to embed Walley on your e-commerce site. The reason behind this is that offering end customers credits is currently under a lot of investigations from authorities in the Nordic countries.

To be future proof we encourage you to use this solution.


These are the basic steps you need to take

1. Embed Walley​

Embed a slim variant of Walley Checkout on your e-commerce page. This can be mounted in any element on your page, including a modal that is only shown upon request.

2. We take care of strong identification​

We will prompt the user for strong identification when the purchase is about to be completed

3. Register completed orders​

You will register new orders by listening to callbacks/webhooks from us

Basic steps​

  1. Acquire API keys through Merchant Hub.
  2. Use API keys to acquire a token for authentication
  3. Start a session using the acquired token
  4. Embed Walley on your page
  5. Listen for completed purchases and register them in your own system
  6. Manage your orders (in the same way you do today or through our management API)