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Extend Order

Order items that have not been activated will expire on the expiration date of the order. If you need to extend the expiration date on the order you should use this endpoint.

Extend Order​

To extend an order, call the extend endpoint. The response will contain an updated order model.

Please note

This can only be done on orders with status NotActivated or PartActivated


POST /manage/orders/{{orderId}}/extend HTTP/1.1
Host: // (Please note! Different hostname in production)
Authorization: Bearer bXlVc2VybmFtZTpmN2E1ODA4MGQzZTk0M2VmNWYyMTZlMDE...
Http status codeDescription
202Order extended
401Unauthorized, token verification needed. See: Authentication for more information
403Permissions needed e.g. trying to handle content for a store you don't have permission to
404Order not found
409Request with same idempotency key already in progress

Data Model​


Request headers

AuthorizationYesInstructions on how to generate the Bearer token value can be found here


The response will be 202 Accepted for a successful cancel.