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Error Codes

Error Codes with Frontend message​


Error codeFrontend message
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE, CREDIT_CHECK_DENIED, ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND, RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVED, DENIED_TO_PURCHASE_HHCPNTyvärr blev du inte godkänd att handla på faktura, var god välj ett annat betalningsalternativ.
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN _MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTKöpesumman är för stor för fakturaköp, var god minska värdet för varukorgen eller välj ett annat betalningsalternativ.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERDet personnummer du har slagit in är felaktigt, var god kontrollera detta och försök igen.
AGREEMENT_RULES_VALIDATION_FAILEDDe personuppgifter du har angivit stämmer inte överens med dina folkbokföringsuppgifter, var god kontrollera detta och försök igen.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONTekniskt fel, var god försök senare eller välj ett annat betalningsalternativ.


Error codeFrontend message
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE, CREDIT_CHECK_DENIED, ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND, RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVED,DENIED_TO_PURCHASE_HHCPNDessverre ble du ikke godkjent for ĂĄ handle pĂĄ faktura, vennligst velg en annen betalingsmetode.
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN _MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTVerdien i handlekurven din er for stor for fakturabetaling, vennligst ta bort artikler eller velg en annen betalingsmetode.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERDu har tastet inn feil fødsels og personnummer, vennligst kontroller tallene og forsøk igjen.
AGREEMENT_RULES_VALIDATION_FAILEDPersonopplysningene du har lagt inn samsvarer ikke med det som er registrert hos folkeregisteret. Vennligst kontroller dette og forsøk igjen.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONTeknisk feil. Vennligst prøv igjen senere eller velg en annen betalingsmetode.


Error codeFrontend message
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE, CREDIT_CHECK_DENIED, ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND, RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVED, DENIED_TO_PURCHASE_HHCPNValitsemaasi maksutapaa ei hyväksytty. Ole hyvä ja valitse toinen maksutapa.
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN _MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTOstosten yhteissumma on liian suuri voidaksesi maksaa laskulla. Poista tuotteita tai valitse toinen maksutapa.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERHenkilötunnuksesi on virheellinen. Tarkista henkilötunnus ja yritä uudelleen.
AGREEMENT_RULES_VALIDATION_FAILEDAntamasi henkilötiedot eivät vastaa väestörekisterin henkilötietoja. Tarkista ja yritä uudelleen.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONTekninen vika. Ole hyvä ja yritä myöhemmin uudelleen tai valitse toinen maksutapa.


Error codeFrontend message
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE, CREDIT_CHECK_DENIED, ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND, RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVEDDesværre blev du ikke godkendt for at handle på faktura, var venlig og vælg et andet betalingsalternativ.
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN _MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTVærdien på din indkøbskurv er for stor for at betale mod faktura. Venligst fjern artikler eller vælg et andet betalingsalternativ.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERDet indtastede personnummer er forkert. Kontrollér venligst, og prøv igen.
AGREEMENT_RULES_VALIDATION_FAILEDDe angivne kontaktoplysninger stemmer ikke overens med dine oplysninger i folkeregisteret. Kontrollér venligst, og prøv igen.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONTeknisk fejl, venligst forsøg senere eller vælg et andet betalingsalternativ.

Germany and Austria​

Error codeFrontend message
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE, CREDIT_CHECK_DENIED, RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVEDLeider wurden die Voraussetzungen für einen Kauf per Rechnung nicht erfüllt. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsalternative
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN _MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTDer Wert Ihres Warenkorbes übersteigt den zulässigen Kaufwert per Rechnung. Bitte reduzieren Sie die Anzahl der Waren oder wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsalternative.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONTechnischer Fehler. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut oder wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsalternative.

All Error Codes​

Error CodeDescription
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDThrown when no account is found for the given request.
ACTIVATION_OF_INVOICE_DENIEDActivation of an invoice id denied.
ADDRESS_NOT_FOUNDAddress can’t be found for the specified customer.
AGREEMENT_RULES_VALIDATION_FAILEDSomething with the use of the API is against the agreement with Walley, please contact Walley for information.
ARTICLE_EXISTS_BUT_OTHER_INFORMATIONTwo or more InvoiceRows have identical ArticleId and Description in combination, but with different UnitPrice or VAT.
ARTICLE_NOT_FOUNDAn Article can’t be found. Both Article Id and description specified must be the same that was used during AddInvoice. If more than one article with the same article id but different unit price is added to the invoice, the unit price of the article must be specified.
ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND_BASED_ON_UNITPRICECan’t locate the specified article based on the specified unit price. Make sure an article with the specified unit price exists.
AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDCould not authorize the request, check your login credentials. Please contact Walley for more information.
AUTHORIZED_SIGNATORY_NOT_VERIFIABLECould not match the registration number supplied in the CompanyRegNoAuthorizedSignatory field with the list of board members in the response from third party credit check supplier.
AUTHORIZED_SIGNATORY_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_NOT_VALIDCould not identify the input personal registration number.
AUTHORIZED_SIGNATORY_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_REQUIREDThe CompanyRegNoAuthorizedSignatory was not present in the request.
COUNTRYCODE_MISMATCH_WITH_CUSTOMER_ADDRESSThe specified country code for the customer's address doesn’t match the country code specified in the (base) request.
COUNTRYCODE_MISMATCH_WITH_DELIVERY_ADDRESSThe specified country code for the customer's delivery address doesn’t match the country code specified in the (base) request.
COUNTRYCODE_MISMATCH_WITH_INVOICE_ADDRESSThe specified country code for the customer's invoice address doesn’t match the country code specified in the (base) request.
CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY_LENGTHThe Key field was too long.
CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY_REQUIREDThe Key was not present in the request.
CUSTOM_TEXT_NOT_FOUNDNo text string exists for the Key given.
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDCustomer is not found by the specified integrationId, or no commitment for the requested StoreId + RegNo exists.
CUSTOMER_PURCHASE_IN_PROGRESSMore than one purchase is being processed simultaneously for this customer. Please allow a moment and try again.
CREDIT_CHECK_DENIEDThe credit check is not approved.
CREDIT_CHECK_UNAVAILABLECredit checks are temporary unavailable due to third party credit check supplier errors or downtime
DENIED_TO_PURCHASEWhen a customer is denied to do purchase, for example blocked for purchase based on different reasons, please contact Walley for more information.
DENIED_TO_PURCHASE_HHCPNWhen a customer is denied to do purchase, for example blocked for purchase based on different reasons, please contact Walley for more information.
DUE_DATE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe invoice cannot be created because the due date is out of range.
ORDER_DATE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe invoice cannot be created because the order date is out of range.
EMAIL_IS_MISSINGThe delivery method was set to email but the Email field was not present in the request.
INVALID_ACTIVATION_OPTION_VALUEThe ActivationOption field was not one of its allowed values.
INVALID_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESSThe Client IP Address was in the wrong format.
INVALID_COUNTRYCODECan be thrown when you try to request an address from another country than the one you are registered in.
INVALID_CREDIT_TIME_USAGECredit time can’t be used for the specific invoice type.
INVALID_CURRENCY_CODEThe specified currency can’t be used. This exception can be thrown if you are registered in a country where the specified currency is not allowed to be used.
INVALID_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_USAGEPrivate customers aren’t allowed to have different invoice address and deliver address, they must be the same.
INVALID_HOUSE_NUMBERThe house number was in the wrong format (applies in Netherlands).
INVALID_INVOICE_STATUSWhen you try to cancel a pending invoice that can’t be cancelled based on the stage it is in.
INVALID_PRODUCT_CODEThe specified product code can’t be used. This exception can be thrown if you are using a product code that is not active or expired, or if the product is not valid for the specified invoice type.
INVALID_QUANTITYThe quantity of an article is too low or too high compared to the quantity or quantity left on the article.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERWhen the is not in a correct format.
INVALID_TRANSACTION_AMOUNTThe amount may exceed the total invoice amount, or the number of decimals has more than two digits after decimal (Can only have two digits after decimal).
INVOICE_DUEDATE_ALREADY_EXTENDEDThe due date of the invoice has already been extended.
INVOICE_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE_RESERVATIONThe purchase sum of the invoice exceeds the available reservation amount.
INVOICE_EXTENDED_DATE_IN_PASTWhen you try to extend a due date by specifying a date in the past.
INVOICE_INVALID_TYPEWhen an invoice may be of wrong type, some actions aren’t allowed to perform on specific invoices, for example: You can’t extend the due date on an invoice that is not of type Direct invoice.
INVOICE_NOT_FOUNDWhen the specified Invoice number can’t be found. When trying to credit an Invoice and when the invoice is already credited or not activated.
INVOICE_TYPE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_BE_USEDYou aren’t allowed to use the specified invoice type.
INTEGRATION_ID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTHThe IntegrationIdDescription was too long.
INTEGRATION_ID_DESCRIPTION_NOT_ALPHANUMERICThe IntegrationIdDescription contained characters not allowed.
INTEGRATION_ID_NOT_MATCHINGThe integration ID does not match existing integration ID for the supplied registration number.
INTEGRATION_ID_NOT_UNIQUEThe Integration ID is not unique.
INTEGRATION_ID_OR_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_REQUIREDNeither IntegrationId nor RegNo was set in the request.
LANGUAGE_CODE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PARTNERNot allowed to use the SetPreferredLanguage function. Contact Walley for more information.
LANGUAGE_CODE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PARTNER_CUSTOMER_COMBINATIONNot allowed to use the SetPreferredLanguage function for the specified customer, as the customer has no relation to submitted StoreId.
LANGUAGE_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTEDLanguage code not supported.
LANGUAGE_CODE_MALFORMEDLanguage code has incorrect format.
MIXED_CURRENCYThe article's currency doesn’t match the currency on the invoice.
MOBILE_PHONE_IS_MISSINGThe mobile phone is missing, which is needed because of the chosen notification type.
MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_INVALIDThe customer's MobilePhone number is incorrectly formatted. Should always contain country code (e.g.. +46 xxx xxx xxx).
MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_INVALIDThe mobile phone number is not correctly formatted.
NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEND_NOTIFICATION_BY_EMAILYou aren’t allowed to send the specific invoice type by e-mail.
NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEND_NOTIFICATION_BY_MAILYou aren’t allowed to send the specific invoice type by postal mail.
NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEND_NOTIFICATION_BY_SMSYou aren’t allowed to send the specific invoice type by SMS.
ORDER_DATE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe invoice cannot be created because the order date is out of range.
PEPPOL_ID_INVALIDPeppol id has an invalid format
PERSONAL_GUARANTEE_NOT_ENABLEDPersonal guarantee is enabled in the request, but Walley has not enabled the signing functionality.
PERSONAL_GUARANTEE_NOT_ENABLED_FOR_INVOICE_TYPEThe chosen InvoiceType does not support purchases made on customers with a personal guarantee commitment.
PURCHASE_AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN_MAX_CREDIT_AMOUNTThe total amount of an invoice or reservation can't be greater than your maximum credit limit or the maximum credit limit for the country the purchase is made in.
PURCHASE_NOT_FOUNDAn invoice can’t be found.
RESERVATION_NOT_ACTIVATEDThe Reservation must be activated before use.
RESERVATION_NOT_APPROVEDReservation is not approved.
RESERVATION_NOT_FOUNDThere was no reservation for the specified customer.
RESERVATION_NOT_SIGNEDThe reservation has not yet been signed by the customer.
TOTAL_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_POSITIVEThe amount of an invoice must be positive.
UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONIf an unhandled error occurs, an unhandled exception will be thrown. In cases of these errors contact Walley for help.
UNIQUE_ARTICLE_NOT_FOUNDWhen article with the same article id is found several times but have different unit prices. The unit price must be specified also to locate the specific article.
VALIDATION_ACTIVATION_OPTION_VALUEThe ActivationOption field was not one of its allowed values.
VALIDATION_ADDRESS1_LENGTHThe Address1 field was too long.
VALIDATION_ADDRESS2_LENGTHThe Address2 field was too long.
VALIDATION_AMOUNT_PARSINGThe unit price or other kind of amount fields could not be parsed. Make sure the amount is a decimal value and the number of decimals doesn’t have more than two digits after decimal (Can only have two digits after decimal).
VALIDATION_AMOUNT_RANGEThe Amount field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_AMOUNT_REQUIREDThe Amount field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_ARTICLE_ID_LENGTHThe ArticleId field was too long.
VALIDATION_ARTICLE_ID_REQUIREDAn article is missing its ArticleId.
VALIDATION_ARTICLE_LIST_REQUIREDThe ArticleList field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_LENGTHThe BankAccount field was too long.
VALIDATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_REQUIREDThe BankAccount field was not entered in the request.
VALIDATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe BankAccountType was out of range. Check the PaymentInfo contract for supported range and types.
VALIDATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE_REQUIREDThe BankAccountType was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_CELL_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTHThe CellPhoneNumber field was too long.
VALIDATION_CITY_LENGTHThe City field was too long.
VALIDATION_CITY_REQUIREDThe City field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_LENGTHThe ClientIpAddress field was too long.
VALIDATION_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_REQUIREDThe ClientIpAddress field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_COADDRESS_LENGTHThe CoAddress field was too long.
VALIDATION_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTHThe CompanyName field was too long.
VALIDATION_COST_CENTER_LENGTHThe CostCenter field was too long.
VALIDATION_COUNTRY_CODE_LENGTHThe CountryCode field was too long.
VALIDATION_COUNTRY_CODE_REQUIREDThe CountryCode field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_CREDIT_DATE_REQUIREDThe CreditDate field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_CREDIT_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGECredit time is out of range, can only be between 0 and 99.
VALIDATION_CURRENCY_LENGTHThe Currency field was too long.
VALIDATION_CURRENCY_INVALIDThe specified currency may not be supported or is of an incorrect format (ISO 4217). Currency need to be at least three characters long and follow ISO 4217, e.g. SEK, DKK, NOK and EUR etc.
VALIDATION_CURRENCY_REQUIREDThe Currency field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_CUSTOMER_NUMBER_LENGTHThe CustomerNumber field was too long.
VALIDATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_REQUIREDThe DeliveryAddress field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_DESCRIPTION_LENGTHThe Description field was too long.
VALIDATION_EMAIL_INVALIDThe e-mail address is not a valid e-mail address.
VALIDATION_EMAIL_LENGTHThe Email field was too long. Can only be maximum of 256 characters.
VALIDATION_ERRORInput data is not correct.
VALIDATION_FIRST_NAME_LENGTHThe FirstName field was too long.
VALIDATION_GENDER_VALUEThe Gender field was not one of its allowed values.
VALIDATION_INTEGRATION_ID_REQUIREDThe IntegrationId field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_ADDRESS_REQUIREDThe InvoiceAddress field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_DELIVERY_METHOD_VALUEThe InvoiceDeliveryMethod field was not one of its allowed values.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_NUMBER_LENGTHThe InvoiceNumber field was too long.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_NUMBER_REQUIREDThe InvoiceNumber field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_ROW_REQUIREDThe InvoiceRow field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_INVOICE_TYPE_VALUEThe InvoiceType field was not one of its allowed values.
VALIDATION_LAST_NAME_LENGTHThe LastName field was too long.
VALIDATION_ORDER_DATE_REQUIREDThe OrderDate field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_ORDER_NUMBER_LENGTHThe OrderNo field was too long.
VALIDATION_PASSWORD_REQUIREDThe Password field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_PAYMENT_REFERENCE_LENGTHThe PaymentReference field was too long.
VALIDATION_PAYMENT_REFERENCE_REQUIREDThe PaymentReference field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTHThe PhoneNumber field was too long.
VALIDATION_POSTAL_CODE_LENGTHThe PostalCode field was too long.
VALIDATION_POSTAL_CODE_REQUIREDThe PostalCode field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_PRODUCT_CODE_LENGTHThe ProductCode field was too long.
VALIDATION_PURCHASE_TYPE_VALUEThe PurchaseType field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_QUANTITY_RANGEThe Quantity field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_QUANTITY_REQUIREDAn article is missing its Quantity.
VALIDATION_RECEIVER_NAME_LENGTHThe ReceiverName field was too long.
VALIDATION_RECEIVER_NAME_REQUIREDThe ReceiverName field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_RECEIVER_REG_NUMBER_LENGTHThe ReceiverRegNumber field was too long.
VALIDATION_RECEIVER_REG_NUMBER_REQUIREDThe ReceiverRegNumber field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_REFERENCE_LENGTHThe Reference field was too long.
VALIDATION_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_REQUIREDThe RegNo field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_RESERVED_AMOUNT_PARSINGThe ReservedAmount field could not be parsed.
VALIDATION_RESERVED_AMOUNT_RANGEThe ReservedAmount field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_RESERVED_AMOUNT_REQUIREDThe ReservedAmount field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_TOTAL_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_POSITIVETotal amount for invoice rows must be higher than zero.
VALIDATION_UNIT_PRICE_PARSINGThe UnitPrice field could not be parsed.
VALIDATION_UNIT_PRICE_RANGEThe UnitPrice field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_USERNAME_REQUIREDThe Username field was not present in the request.
VALIDATION_VAT_PARSINGThe Vat field could not be parsed.
VALIDATION_VAT_RANGEThe Vat field was not within its allowed range.
VALIDATION_VAT_REQUIREDThe Vat field was not present in the request.
IDEMPOTENCY_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESSA request with an idempotency key was received while another request with the same idempotency key was already processing.It is safe to retry.
IDEMPOTENCY_RESPONSE_EXPIREDA request was received with an idempotency key that has been used before, but the response has been purged from the cache.
IDEMPOTENCY_MISS_MATCHING_REQUEST_TYPEA request with an idempotency key was received but another request with the same idempotency key has already been processed for a different request type.