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Walley Logos

Here you find the links to our amazing Walley logos. Please display them on your site, i.e on the information page or the web page footer, for marketing materials, and in your checkout together with the payment method or wherever you need to show a logo.

The Walley logo is a minimalistic sign, with a characteristic wing on the W, designed to be easily read, distinct and to be clearly displayed in various applications and contexts. The logo design with the W-wing, reflects our brand personality as a competent and dedicated partner, committed to make our merchants feel that they are part of a winning team.

Resource location​

Please link directly to the Walley CDN to ensure the image stays updated. The logo is delivered in SVG format and is fully scalable.

Badge TypeUrl
For dark backgrounds

Walley logo badge for Walley Checkout​

A badge is a good way to inform the customers that a safe payment solution is used on the site.

Country-specific versions​

The country-code included in the path specifies the required language of the badge as well as other localizations such as what payment methods to include. Currently available: sv-SE, en-SE, fi-FI, sv-FI, nb-NO and da-DK

Resource location​

Please link directly to the CDN to ensure the image stays updated. The badge is delivered in SVG format and is fully scalable.

Badge TypeUrl
For dark backgrounds

Alternative Walley logos​

Walley Lasku/Tililuotto​

When you promote the Lasku/Tililuotto payment method in Finland you may use this version of the Walley logo.

Resource location​

Please link directly to the CDN to ensure the image stays updated. The logo is delivered in SVG format and is fully scalable.

Badge TypeUrl
For dark backgrounds