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Apply to be an buyer

These endpoint are used to setup a new profile or create an application for new buyers.

The registration process involves the following steps:

  1. The applicant enters Organization Id and Phone Number and / or Registration Number which is then posted to the applications endpoint.
  2. If the applicant is not authorized to review, a list of reviewers are returned, from which the applicant chooses one and enters their phone number.
  3. The reviewer ID and phone number is posted to the reviewers endpoint.
  4. A SMS is sent to the entered phone number asking the reviewer to identify with their Electronic ID and approve the buyer.
  5. Finally an SMS is sent back to the applicant informing them that they've been approved as an buyer for the organization.

Initiate new application​

This endpoint is used to request that a person is added as buyer to an organization. The list of reviewers contains both names and a unique ID. The names should be displayed to the applicant while the ID is used to identify which reviewer the applicant has chosen

POST /b2b/{{countryCode}}/applications HTTP/1.1
Host: // (Please note! Different hostname in production)
Authorization: Bearer bXlVc2VybmFtZTpmN2E1ODA4MGQzZTk0M2VmNWYyMTZlMDE...

"organizationId": "2576102-5",
"applicantPhoneNumber": "+46073456789",
"applicantRegistrationNumber": "200110282381",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Doe"

Request headers​

AuthorizationYesInstructions on how to generate the Bearer token value can be found here

Request path​

countryCodeYesThe country where the purchase is made. (SE, NO or FI)

Request body​

Phone number or Registration number is required.

organizationIdYesThe company's organization IDstring
applicantPhoneNumberNoPhone number to the person wanting to become a buyerstringInclude country code
applicantRegistrationNumberNoRegistration number to the person wanting to become a buyerstringInclude country code
firstNameNoFirst name of the applicantstring
lastNameNoLast name of the applicantstring

Response body​

Phone number or Registration number is required.

applicationIdUnique id for the application, used in subsequentl callsstring
organizationNameThe name of the organizationstring
reviewersList of people authorized to approve the applicationarray
buyerStatusIf Active the application has been automatically approvedstring

Choose reviewer​

This endpoint is used to choose a reviewer that should approve the request. Here the application ID and reviewer ID from the response above is used to select a reviewer. The phone number must include the country code eg. +46.

Automatically approved applicant

If the applicant is an authorized signatory themselves the application is automatically approved. This is indicated with buyerStatus=Active in the response above. In that case there is no need to choose a reviewer with the request below, and the applicant can proceed to place a purchase directly.

POST /b2b/{{countryCode}}/applications/{{applicationId}}/reviewers HTTP/1.1
Host: // (Please note! Different hostname in production)
Authorization: Bearer bXlVc2VybmFtZTpmN2E1ODA4MGQzZTk0M2VmNWYyMTZlMDE...

"reviewer": {
"reviewerId": "927f1ec3-90e5-4e5e-8dfc-ca5d3acd0464",
"phoneNumber": "+46123456789"

Request headers​

AuthorizationYesInstructions on how to generate the Bearer token value can be found here

Request path​

countryCodeYesThe country where the purchase is made. (SE, NO or FI)
applicationIdYesA unique ID to identify a registration request

Request body​

reviewerIdYesUnique identifier for the reviewernumberReceived when creating the application
phoneNumberYesPhone number to the reviewernumberInclude country code

Response codes​

Http status codeDescription
400Error, refer to returned problem details
401Unauthorized, token verification needed. See: Authentication for more information
403Permissions needed
404Organization, application or reviewer not found