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Set Preferred Language

This operation sets a preferred notification language for specified customer. The notification language affects the printed invoice.


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
ClientIpAddress1false50stringThe IP address of the customer performing the purchase at the partner's web shop.
Password1false50stringThe password used to authorize the request.
Username1false50stringThe username used to authorize the request.
CorrelationId1true50stringCorrelationID is sent back in the response.
CountryCode1false2stringThe country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for country.
LanguageCode1true5stringDesired customer notification language code (BCP-47). *
RegNo1true20stringThe registration number of the customer. Either civic registration number or organization number. Only nillable if an IntegrationId is set and has been assigned to the RegNo beforehand.
StoreId1true4shortThe StoreId used for identification of store.

Supported language codes are:

  • sv-SE
  • sv-FI
  • fi-FI
  • en-GB


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
CorrelationID1true50stringCorrelationID from the request if any.

Example Requests​

Description:The operation fetches all reservations

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pay="">
<pay:RegNo>195001182046 </pay:RegNo>

Error codes​

Please see separate page Error Codes

Fault CodeDescription
LANGUAGE_CODE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PARTNERThe functionality to change preferred language is not set on merchant. Plase contact Walley.