Get Account Transactions
Retrieves the transactions of the account associated with the invoice number or payment reference given in request. If no account is found for the given request an exception will be returned. The account can be identified either by providing the InvoiceNo or the PaymentReference in the request, but not both.
Request Parameters​
Field | Occurs | nullable | Max | Type | Description |
Password | 1 | false | 50 | string | The password used to authorize the request. |
Username | 1 | false | 50 | string | The username used to authorize the request. |
CorrelationId | 1 | true | 50 | string | CorrelationID is sent back in the response. |
CountryCode | 1 | false | 2 | string | The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country. |
InvoiceNo | 1 | true | 50 | int | The invoice number. Either InvoiceNo or PaymentReference must be set, but not both. |
PaymentReference | 1 | true | 50 | string | The payment reference. Either PaymentReference or InvoiceNo must be set, but not both. |
StoreId | 1 | true | - | int | The StoreId used for identification of store. |
Response Parameters​
Field | Occurs | nullable | Max | Type | Description |
CorrelationId | 1 | true | 50 | string | CorrelationID from the request if any. |
Transactions | 1 | true | 50 | Transactions[] | A list of transactions for the invoice associated with the given request. See below for details. |
Field | nullable | Type | Description |
ArticleId | false | string | The ArticleId of the product. |
Currency | false | string | The Currency of the transaction |
Description | false | string | The description of the product. |
MovedFromAccount | true | string | The AccountNo the transaction has been moved from, if moved. |
MovedToAccount | true | string | The AccountNo the transaction has been moved to, if moved. |
OriginalCurrencyInformation | true | string | The original currency if not the same as specified in Currency. |
Quantity | false | int | The quantity of the product. |
TransactionDate | false | date | The date of the transaction. |
TransactionType | false | string | The type of the transaction, e.g. purchase, return etc. |
UnitPrice | false | decimal | Price per unit incl. VAT. |
VatRate | false | decimal | VAT in per cent. |
Example Requests​
 | Value |
Environment: | UAT |
Service: | InformationService |
URL: | |
Function: | GetAccountTransactions |
Description: | The operation returns a list of accounts transactions for a specic invoice. |
Notes: | N/A |
- Request
- Response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:inf="">
<inf:CorrelationId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<inf:PaymentReference xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<GetAccountTransactionsResponseV2 xmlns="">
<CorrelationId i:nil="true" xmlns:i=""/>
<Transactions xmlns:i="">
<MovedFromAccount i:nil="true"/>
<MovedToAccount i:nil="true"/>
<OriginalCurrencyInformation i:nil="true"/>
<MovedFromAccount i:nil="true"/>
<MovedToAccount i:nil="true"/>
<OriginalCurrencyInformation i:nil="true"/>
Error Codes​
Fault Code | Description |
AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | Could not authorize the request, check your login credentials. Please contact Collector for more help. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | No account found for Invoice Number. |
If the error code you are looking for is not in the list above Please see separate page Error Codes