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Activate Invoice

Activation of an invoice should be done when the goods are ready to be sent. This request fully activates the invoice. Normally an invoice needs to be activated within 90 days from placing an order.


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
Username1false50stringThe username used to authorize the request.
Password1false50stringThe password used to authorize the request.
CorrelationId1false50stringCorrelationID is sent back in the response.
CountryCode1false2stringThe country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country.
InvoiceNumber1false50stringThe invoice number previously returned in AddInvoice.
PaymentInfo1false-[PaymentInfo]Bank or invoice Information for payout. Used in this request to replace the PaymentInfo sent in the AddInvoice request, if needed.
StoreId1false-intThe StoreId used for identification of store.


ReceiverNamestring64Name of the company
ReceiverRegNumberstring64The organization number of receiving company
PaymentReferencestring350Reference added to the payment. OCR number must be no longer than 20 characters
BankAccountstring50Bank account number. For bank account types with multiple parts "|" (pipe) is used as a delimiter.


  • 0 - Bic Iban (DEUTDEFF DE99203205004989123456)
  • 1 - Iban (DE99203205004989123456)
  • 2 - Plusgiro, with OCR
  • 3 - Plusgiro, with message
  • 4 - Bankgiro, with OCR
  • 5 - Bankgiro, with message


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
CorrelationId1true50stringCorrelationID from the request if any.
DueDate1false12datetimeThe due date of the invoice.
InvoiceUrl1false200stringThe url to invoice in pdf format.
LowestAmountToPay1false6,2decimalThe lowest amount to pay on the invoice.
PaymentReference1true50stringThe Reference that should be as a reference on an invoice.
TotalAmount1false6,2decimalThe total amount to pay for the invoice.

Example Requests​

Description:The operation returns invoice information of a customer based on a civic registration number.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pay="">

Error Codes​

Please see separate page Error Codes

Fault CodeDescription
INVOICE_NOT_FOUNDThe invoice number does not exist.