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Set Reservation

Creates a new, or modifies an existing, reservation for a customer. A reservation is a fixed credit limit that a customer can make purchases within (AddInvoice) without additional credit checks.

A new reservation is created if no existing reservation is found and the customer passes the automatic credit check. An already existing reservation can be increased by requesting a higher amount, or decreased by requesting a lower. In the case of an increase a new credit check is performed and if successful the reserved amount is modified to match the new value. Decreasing the reservation amount will lower the reserved amount without triggering a new credit check.

Note that Walley's policy rules affects the lowest and highest amounts for which reservations can be created and modified. Contact Walley for details regarding these limits.

This functionality is only available in the following countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The usage of this functionality must be agreed upon with Walley. Any purchases/invoices made before a reservation will be calculated into the AvailableAmount of the reservation.

This method is available in the following countries:


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
Username1false50stringThe username used to authorize the request.
Password1false50stringThe password used to authorize the request.
ClientIpAddress1false50stringThe IP address of the customer performing the purchase at the partner's web shop.
AdditionalInformation[]1true-AdditionalInformation[]Used depending on agreement with Walley.
CompanyEmailAuthorizedSignatory1true100stringEmail to authorized signatory.
CompanyPersonalGuarantee1true-booleanReg. no for authorized signatory. If CompanyPersonalGuarantee is enabled, the reg. no in this parameter will be used as personal guarantee reg. no.
CompanyRegNoAuthorizedSignatory1true12stringReg. no for authorized signatory. If CompanyPersonalGuarantee is enabled, the reg. no in this parameter will be used as personal guarantee reg. no.
CorrelationId1false50stringCorrelationID is sent back in the response.
CountryCode1false2stringThe country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country. Only “SE” allowed.
CurrencyCode1false2stringThe ISO 4217 code representation for the currency.
CustomerAddress1true-Address[]The invoice address where the invoice should be sent to. For private persons this must be the address where the person is registered.
CustomerNumber1true20stringIf the e-store wants to search for a customer by their
own customer id, this field can be used to specify
that number. Also shown on invoice.
Email1true100stringCustomer's email address
IntegrationId1true128stringThe integration ID can be assigned to customers in order to uniquely identify customers (instead of using Civic reg no).
IntegrationIdDescription1true128stringA friendly description of the IntegrationId given. Shown on the invoice as the “buyer” instead of the IntegrationId value. Must be used in combination with IntegrationId. No separators should be used, for example: - , .
MobilePhone1true20stringThe customer's cellphone number. Must begin with “+” and country code e.g. +46.
PhoneNumber1true20stringThe customer's phone number
ProductCode1true20stringThe campaign product code. The product code is
determined by Walley. To use campaign products
an agreement with Walley must be made.
RegNo1true12stringThe customer civic registration number. Only nillable if an IntegrationId is set and has been assigned to the RegNo beforehand.
ReservedAmount1false6,2decimalThe requested amount to reserve. If an existing reservation is found that reservations amount will be increased or decreased to the amount you send in.
StoreId1false-intThe StoreId used for identification of store.


The response indicates if the customer is approved for the credit amount requested. If the purchase is approved, proceed with the purchase by invoking AddInvoice.

Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
CorrelationId1true50stringCorrelationID from the request if any.
ReservedAmount1true6,2decimalTotal amount reserved.
AvailableAmount1true6,2decimalAvailable amount left on the reservation.
ValidUntil1true-datetimeDate until the reservation is valid, null means indefinite.
PendingUntil1true-datetimeThe date and time when a pending reservation will be removed if no activation of the reservation has been done. Only used when a reservation need to be activated with the ActivateReservation API. Null means the reservation don’t have a pending state (directly activated).
Status1true-stringReturns the handling status of a reservation, the status can be: PENDING = The reservation is still not active, must be activated with the ActivateReservation API. ACTIVE = The reservation is directly activated. NO_RESERVATION = There is no reservation. SIGNING = The reservation need to be signed, eg. by BankID.
ReservationId1true-stringThe reservation's unique id.
Address1True-AddressContains the address of the customer.

Reservation status​

The reservation status type is an enumeration value. Defined values are:

  • ACTIVE (0) – The reservation is active and ready to be used.
  • PENDING (1) – The reservation is pending and need to be activated.
  • NO_RESERVATION (2) – There is no reservation.
  • SIGNING (3) – The reservation needs to be signed by end customer.

Example Requests​

Description:The operation create a reservation for the customer
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pay="">
<pay:CompanyEmailAuthorizedSignatory xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:CompanyRegNoAuthorizedSignatory xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:Address1>Teststreet 1</pay:Address1>
<pay:Address2 xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:COAddress>C/O Address</pay:COAddress>
<pay:City>Test City</pay:City>
<pay:CompanyName xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:CustomerNumber xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:IntegrationId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:IntegrationIdDescription xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:PhoneNumber xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:ProductCode xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pay="">
<pay:Address1>BOX 11914</pay:Address1>
<pay:Address2 xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:COAddress xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:Firstname xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:Lastname xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:CustomerNumber xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:IntegrationId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:IntegrationIdDescription xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:PhoneNumber xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<pay:ProductCode xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

Error codes​

Fault CodeDescription
AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDCould not authorize the request, check your login credentials. Please contact Walley for more help.
INVALID_REGISTRATION_NUMBERWhen the is not in a correct format.
PERSONAL_GUARANTEE_NOT_ENABLEDPersonal guarantee is enabled in the request, but Walley has not enabled the signing functionality.

If the error code you are looking for is not in the list above Please see separate page Error Codes