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Settlement Types

Definitions for all settlement transaction types


Credited customer feesA financial fee has been credited for the end customer by the merchant. The amount will be deducted from the payout.
DirectPaymentA payment has been manually added to an end customer invoice and deducted from the payout. Only used when explicitly requested.
PurchaseAmountAdjustmentAn adjustment of the purchase amount has been registered. The amount will be adjusted on the payout. It can both be negative and positive.
PurchaseA regular purchase has been registered. The amount will be paid out.
ReturnA return has been registered. The amount will be deducted from the payout.
Kickback (%)A percentage kickback added to the payout. Based on the agreement.
KickbackA fixed kickback added to the payout. Based on the agreement.
Transaction fee, subject to VATA fixed fee per transaction. Deducted from the payout.
Service fee, subject to VATA percentage fee of the transaction. Deducted from the payout.
Fee for requested invoice print, subject to VATA fee for an invoice that was explicitly requested to be printed and sent by mail. The amount will be deducted from the payout.
SettlementVatCostThe VAT amount of on the fees that are subject to VAT.

Manual adjustment types​

Manual adjustments are performed by Walley's Financial Administration department.

CostPerTransactionAdjustmentAn adjustment of the transaction fee.
DebtCollectionFeeAdjustmentAn adjustment of the fee that is charged when withdrawing debts from debt collection.
DepositAdjustmentAn adjustment of a deposition.
ExportedNotificationToPrintAdjustmentAn adjustment of the fee for a printed invoice.
FeeAdjustmentAn adjustment of a financial fee.
InvoicedAdjustmentAn adjustment of a manually sent invoice. Will create a 0-adjustment together with another adjustment.
KickbackAdjustmentAn adjustment of a kickback that has been paid out, outside of the settlement.
MixedAdjustmentAn adjustment that is used to make other types of adjustments.
ServiceFeeAdjustmentAn adjustment of the service fee.
VatAdjustmentAn adjustment of the VAT.